Tuesday, October 14, 2014



Ahhh! It's good to be back! Well actually, I didn't technically leave. I was kicked out? Kidnapped? Banished?

You see, I started Holly Meets Blog in like... 2008? Anyways, one day in 2011 I said "Hey! I know! I'm going to make this a .com website and then I'll be SO cool! So I was cool, and then my blogging slowed down, and then when Google went to renew my .com site for the fee of a measly $10, I had changed my credit card number. They didn't get their money, so they did that thing with the little flashy stick like on Men In Black where Will Smith erases your memory. 

So I didn't know what was happening and then all the sudden Hollymeetblog.com was gone. All my hilarious pre-child-bearing memories are lost in cyber space foooor-evvv-errrrr! 

I have tried to come up with a new blog several times, because Google always said the name wasn't available. I have some sort of weird attachment to my Holly Meets Blog name. So I never really followed through and kept up with my replacement names. But here we are, kids! It was available! What a great day! 

So.... the question is: What is this blog about? Uh.... I have no clue. But why do I have to focus on one aspect? (Well to gain a target audience, duh lady.) But I mean, can't you just like me if I'm blogging about baking cookies one day, and then gender equality in the workplace the next? I think you could. You should.

The truth is I wear a lot of different hats. I'm a wife, mother, working professional, foodie, DIY lover, lover of pop culture, Walking Dead fanatic, I even coached 4 year old Tball this summer! 

Basically what I'm saying is stick around because Holly Meets Blog is back!